Reading, Part 2

Course Code: YF18RE21

Availability: Enrolment is closed

The Additional Qualification Course: Reading Part 2 deepens your understanding of the role of the literacy teacher with regard to both program and instructional practices and, as well, to the opportunities and challenges faced by reading teachers. Building upon the knowledge and skills addressed in Part 1, you will examine current research; enhance your capacity to build a comprehensive literacy program; receive advanced instruction in the practices of teaching reading; and, develop strategies for constructing meaning and thinking critically about a variety of texts.

In addition, you will expand your examination of the critical link between assessment and effective instruction as it relates to the support students require to reach their full potential as readers. Finally, you will have opportunities to explore and discuss how to create rich reading tasks with co-created learning goals and success criteria to ensure the literacy development of all students.


  • Be a member in good standing with the OCT
  • Part 1 completed
  • Minimum ONE year of certified teaching experience by the first day of the course, subsequent to certification

Documents Required

  • Signed Supervisory Officer's Form by course end date confirming required teaching experience
Session Dates
Start Date: Sep 25, 2018
End Date: Dec 07, 2018
Online: September 25 - December 7, 2018. This 125 hour course consists of 75 hours of online participation, 25 hours of self-directed professional learning and completion of a 25 hour independent study. Times of participation are set by you. There are scheduled deadlines for assignments. Contributions to on-line discussions are expected. Participation in any full-class simultaneous discussions (i.e. Chat) is always conducted on an "as able" basis.


Davidson, Lesley